


September 10, 2016

Results By Stride Racing

                                                                                                                Chip         Gun        Chip      Place    Name                              City               Bib No  AgeGend    Age Group                 Time        Time        Diff        Pace        1    Benjamin Pachev                   Provo  UT             570    17   M       1 Top Fin             33:25.5     33:25.9      0:00.3      5:23/M      2    Brad Barton                                             572    50   M       1 50-54               34:40.4     34:40.7      0:00.3      5:35/M      3    Ken Richardson                    Ogden  UT             579    37   M       2 Top Fin             35:37.3     35:37.9      0:00.5      5:44/M      4    Alexander Pachev                  Provo  UT             567    43   M       2 40-44               36:57.9     36:58.3      0:00.3      5:57/M      5    Robert Ellerbruch                 Farmington  UTAH      615    41   M       3 40-44               38:00.3     38:00.9      0:00.5      6:07/M      6    Tracy Fifield                     West Point  UT        626    54   M       3 Top Fin             38:51.8     38:52.0      0:00.1      6:15/M      7    Dan Kerns                                               510    58   M       1 55-59               40:00.3     40:01.5      0:01.2      6:26/M      8    Heidi Pugmire                     Riverdale  UT         586    33   F       1 Top Fin             40:07.6     40:10.3      0:02.6      6:28/M      9    Sariah Long                       South Ogden  UT       797    30   F       2 Top Fin             40:07.8     40:10.3      0:02.5      6:28/M     10    Thom Kuehls                       Ogden  UT             623    52   M       1 50-54               40:09.4     40:10.7      0:01.3      6:28/M     11    Matt Bugnet                       Ogden  UT             606    35   M       1 35-39               40:11.4     40:13.1      0:01.7      6:28/M     12    Angie Beebe                       Ogden  UT             568    37   F       3 Top Fin             40:12.2     40:14.4      0:02.2      6:28/M     13    Jessica Stanford                  Draper  UT            596    47   F       1 45-49               40:46.2     40:49.3      0:03.0      6:34/M     14    Kent Skidmore                     West Point  UT        514    50   M       2 50-54               42:16.3     42:18.5      0:02.2      6:48/M     15    Jace Waddoups                     Farmington  UT        565    32   M       1 30-34               42:26.1     42:29.7      0:03.5      6:50/M     16    Chad Slate                        Huntsville  UT        519    45   M       1 45-49               42:57.1     43:08.3      0:11.1      6:55/M     17    Katie Thompson                                          599    28   F       1 25-29               42:59.2     43:05.4      0:06.1      6:55/M     18    Elliot Roberts                                          522    15   M       1 15-18               43:34.6     43:42.4      0:07.7      7:01/M     19    Taylor Stephens                                         509    24   M       1 19-24               43:49.3     43:59.0      0:09.6      7:03/M     20    Brian Alexander                                         575    26   M       1 25-29               43:51.4     44:07.7      0:16.2      7:04/M     21    Heather Loughton                                        585    38   F       1 35-39               43:53.0     43:56.7      0:03.6      7:04/M     22    Eric Petersen                     Salt Lake City  UT    582    50   M       3 50-54               44:25.0     44:26.7      0:01.6      7:09/M     23    Mel Lemon                         Magna  UT             609    57   M       2 55-59               44:27.6     44:30.6      0:03.0      7:09/M     24    Ray Workman                       Murray  UT            613    66   M       1 65-69               44:36.1     44:38.1      0:02.0      7:11/M     25    Douglas Smith                     Clearfield  UTAH      581    37   M       2 35-39               44:50.5     44:54.6      0:04.1      7:13/M     26    Lisa Vandyke                      Layton  UT            528    35   F       2 35-39               44:50.6     44:54.7      0:04.1      7:13/M     27    Trevor Thompson                                         627    33   M       2 30-34               44:58.4     45:04.5      0:06.1      7:14/M     28    Bentley McEntire                                        571    44   M       1 40-44               45:25.7     45:26.8      0:01.0      7:19/M     29    Olivia Brown                                            611    30   F       1 30-34               46:14.6     46:16.7      0:02.0      7:27/M     30    Lindsey Simon                     Farmington  UTAH      532    36   F       3 35-39               47:34.4     47:49.7      0:15.3      7:40/M     31    James Hiatt                                             589    47   M       2 45-49               48:12.4     48:15.1      0:02.6      7:46/M     32    Marylyn Schmidt                   Draper  UT            605    49   F       2 45-49               48:36.9     48:40.2      0:03.2      7:50/M     33    Kevin Ellis                                             549    38   M       3 35-39               48:52.6     48:57.1      0:04.4      7:52/M     34    Karianne Moore                                          598    36   F       4 35-39               48:52.7     48:57.1      0:04.4      7:52/M     35    Greg Scherer                                            547    50   M       4 50-54               49:05.8     49:12.7      0:06.9      7:54/M     36    Jackson Black                     Layton  UT            523    14   M       1 12-14               49:17.9     49:24.7      0:06.7      7:56/M     37    David Kinnecom                                          578    65   M       2 65-69               49:21.9     49:27.0      0:05.1      7:57/M     38    Lisa Drollinger                   Farmington  UTAH      531    31   F       2 30-34               49:45.2     50:01.0      0:15.8      8:01/M     39    Melinda Kerns                     South Ogden  UT       512    52   F       3 50-54               50:25.6     50:28.4      0:02.8      8:07/M     40    Cassie Hayes                                            798    21   F       1 19-24               51:15.9     51:17.9      0:02.0      8:15/M     41    Sonia Lang                                              618    38   F       5 35-39               51:30.1     51:35.6      0:05.4      8:18/M     42    Jenny Hatch                       Syracuse  UT          530    29   F       2 25-29               51:46.8     52:02.1      0:15.3      8:20/M     43    David Antes                       Layton  UT            517    45   M       3 45-49               53:13.5     53:23.4      0:09.9      8:34/M     44    Matthew Roberts                                         520    43   M       2 40-44               53:34.3     53:41.6      0:07.3      8:38/M     45    Betty Winters                     Ogden  UT             563    53   F       1 50-54               53:43.4     53:48.5      0:05.1      8:39/M     46    John Phillips                                           562    47   M       4 45-49               54:05.8     54:29.3      0:23.5      8:43/M     47    Abby Nemeth                                             566    20   F       2 19-24               54:21.8     54:30.4      0:08.5      8:45/M     48    Marty Smith                                             603    58   F       1 55-59               54:36.0     54:40.0      0:04.0      8:48/M     49    Jeremy Holmes                     West Point  UT        558    40   M       3 40-44               54:56.4     55:05.9      0:09.4      8:51/M     50    Jayne Holt                                              593    65   F       1 65-69               54:57.1     55:01.4      0:04.2      8:51/M     51    Brent Compton                     Mountain Green  UT    574    52   M       5 50-54               56:11.9     56:25.8      0:13.8      9:03/M     52    Colleen McGilvary                 Layton  UT            541    45   F       1 45-49               57:57.5     58:07.1      0:09.5      9:20/M     53    Laurel Fedor                      Ogden  UT             799    35   F       6 35-39               58:23.5     58:38.2      0:14.7      9:24/M     54    Cody Scott                                              550    26   M       2 25-29               58:57.9     59:18.9      0:20.9      9:30/M     55    Erik Knutsen                      Centerville  UT       583    47   M       5 45-49               58:58.8     59:06.5      0:07.7      9:30/M     56    Wendi Knutsen                     Centerville  UT       628    42   F       1 40-44               58:58.9     59:06.6      0:07.7      9:30/M     57    Travis Taylor                                           546    17   M       2 15-18               59:33.3     59:38.2      0:04.9      9:35/M     58    Ryan Roybal                       Harrisville  UT       137    42   M       4 40-44               59:42.4     59:58.0      0:15.6      9:37/M     59    Dawn Tanner                       Woods Cross  UT       561    41   F       2 40-44               59:51.3     59:59.7      0:08.3      9:38/M     60    John Robbins                                            597    50   M       6 50-54               59:55.9   1:00:07.3      0:11.4      9:39/M     61    Rob George                                              508    36   M       4 35-39             1:00:04.5   1:00:20.2      0:15.6      9:40/M     62    Nicole Moore                      Ogden  UT             610    45   F       2 45-49             1:00:18.6   1:00:29.1      0:10.4      9:43/M     63    Zach Welsh                                              629    22   M       2 19-24             1:00:31.8   1:00:46.1      0:14.3      9:45/M     64    Jessica Narula                                          524    21   F       3 19-24             1:00:47.5   1:00:54.5      0:07.0      9:47/M     65    Karen Nielson                     South Weber  UT       536    41   F       3 40-44             1:00:59.3   1:01:11.1      0:11.8      9:49/M     66    Arwin Calix                                             533    36   M       5 35-39             1:01:01.8   1:01:18.4      0:16.5      9:50/M     67    Lisa Skidmore                     West Point  UT        513    50   F       2 50-54             1:01:07.3   1:01:13.4      0:06.1      9:50/M     68    Andrea Holmes                     West Point  UT        559    38   F       7 35-39             1:01:08.7   1:01:14.5      0:05.8      9:51/M     69    Karie Parry                       Layton  UT            527    41   F       4 40-44             1:02:00.1   1:02:16.3      0:16.1      9:59/M     70    Jennifer Roberts                                        521    42   F       5 40-44             1:02:01.9   1:02:13.0      0:11.1      9:59/M     71    Randall Love                                            553    51   M       7 50-54             1:02:28.0   1:02:45.1      0:17.1     10:04/M     72    Jared Jacobs                                            592    42   M       5 40-44             1:03:26.9   1:03:35.8      0:08.9     10:13/M     73    Danna Woods                                             577    34   F       3 30-34             1:03:27.0   1:03:36.0      0:08.9     10:13/M     74    Stephanie Eggli                                         619    38   F       8 35-39             1:03:40.5   1:03:53.5      0:13.0     10:15/M     75    Rachel Sanchez                                          540    28   F       3 25-29             1:04:27.1   1:04:40.4      0:13.3     10:23/M     76    Ashlee Yamashita                                        569    24   F       4 19-24             1:04:47.2   1:04:57.0      0:09.8     10:26/M     77    Brandon Egbert                                          573    37   M       6 35-39             1:04:54.7   1:05:02.5      0:07.8     10:27/M     78    Bonnie Bogue                                            554    39   F       9 35-39             1:05:13.8   1:05:28.9      0:15.0     10:30/M     79    Kyle Bogue                                              555    40   M       6 40-44             1:05:14.1   1:05:29.0      0:14.9     10:30/M     80    Tonya Grenda                      Roy  UT               625    42   F       6 40-44             1:05:47.0   1:05:49.6      0:02.6     10:36/M     81    Jenny Schaeffer                                         535    32   F       4 30-34             1:05:47.1   1:05:54.6      0:07.4     10:36/M     82    Robin Palmer                                            534    53   F       3 50-54             1:05:47.6   1:05:55.3      0:07.6     10:36/M     83    Cindy Sears                       Roy  UT               505    57   F       2 55-59             1:05:48.7   1:06:00.4      0:11.6     10:36/M     84    Cindy Bertagnolli                 Rock Springs  WY      525    58   F       3 55-59             1:05:56.3   1:06:03.5      0:07.1     10:37/M     85    Teri Cannon                                             622    46   F       3 45-49             1:05:56.9   1:05:59.8      0:02.8     10:37/M     86    Mckenzie Romero                   Salt Lake City  UT    607    29   F       4 25-29             1:05:58.2   1:06:12.6      0:14.3     10:37/M     87    Kimberly Owens                    Clinton  UT           560    41   F       7 40-44             1:06:10.9   1:06:19.5      0:08.5     10:39/M     88    Erik Hall                         Roy  UT               507    32   M       3 30-34             1:07:02.6   1:07:16.7      0:14.0     10:48/M     89    Elizabeth Tolle                                         564    60   F       1 60-64             1:07:04.3   1:07:22.5      0:18.2     10:48/M     90    Taneal Carling                                          621    23   F       5 19-24             1:07:51.7   1:08:10.1      0:18.3     10:56/M     91    Jake Scott                                              551    27   M       3 25-29             1:07:52.2   1:07:52.2                 10:56/M     92    Rebecca Sessions                                        545    47   F       4 45-49             1:09:09.7   1:09:21.3      0:11.5     11:08/M     93    Nikki Frost                       Clearfield  UT        543    44   F       8 40-44             1:09:19.5   1:09:32.2      0:12.7     11:10/M     94    Cedar Frost                       Clearfield  UT        542    21   F       6 19-24             1:09:19.8   1:09:32.4      0:12.5     11:10/M     95    Thongsy Darasouk                  Roy  UTAH             624    62   M       1 60-64             1:10:09.9   1:10:19.4      0:09.4     11:18/M     96    Robert Ohlwiler                                         504    81   M       1 80-84             1:12:32.2   1:12:55.9      0:23.7     11:41/M     97    Heather Hayes                     Ogden  UT             584    45   F       5 45-49             1:12:34.8   1:12:54.3      0:19.5     11:41/M     98    Susan Peterson                                          620    49   F       6 45-49             1:12:35.8   1:12:54.6      0:18.7     11:41/M     99    Thu Lam                                                 516    55   F       4 55-59             1:12:37.3   1:12:48.4      0:11.0     11:42/M    100    Michelle Layne                                          537    37   F      10 35-39             1:13:27.2   1:13:39.0      0:11.8     11:50/M                                                                                                                Chip         Gun        Chip      Place    Name                              City               Bib No  AgeGend    Age Group                 Time        Time        Diff        Pace      101    Terry Feickert                                          515    61   M       2 60-64             1:14:15.1   1:14:26.2      0:11.0     11:57/M    102    Dave Stephens                                           511    58   M       3 55-59             1:15:43.9   1:15:57.1      0:13.2     12:12/M    103    Penny Phillips                    West Point  UT        612    50   F       4 50-54             1:15:49.3   1:16:04.3      0:14.9     12:13/M    104    Erik Hawkins                                            529    30   M       4 30-34             1:16:13.1   1:16:21.4      0:08.2     12:16/M    105    Unknown Partic. 526                                     526         M       1  0- 0             1:16:45.5   1:16:57.9      0:12.4     12:22/M    106    Afton Cho                                               539    32   F       5 30-34             1:17:44.4   1:17:58.0      0:13.5     12:31/M    107    Richard Moulton                   Layton  UT            548    66   M       3 65-69             1:18:27.4   1:18:29.2      0:01.8     12:38/M    108    Laura Antes                                             518    44   F       9 40-44             1:19:27.8   1:19:38.1      0:10.3     12:48/M    109    Megan Dean                                              608    32   F       6 30-34             1:19:28.4   1:19:37.5      0:09.1     12:48/M    110    Lynn Carling                                            600    50   M       8 50-54             1:22:47.4   1:23:06.8      0:19.3     13:20/M    111    Carol Carling                     North Ogden           576    50   F       5 50-54             1:22:48.1   1:23:06.7      0:18.6     13:20/M    112    Dave Crabb                                              502    67   M       4 65-69             1:56:25.2   1:56:46.0      0:20.8     18:45/M    113    Richard Groth                     Holladay  UT          800    73   M       1 70-74             1:56:26.3   1:56:26.3                 18:45/M    114    Eva Crabb                         South Weber  UT       503    62   F       2 60-64             1:56:26.4   1:56:46.1      0:19.6     18:45/M    115    Debra Kidman                                            501    54   F       6 50-54             1:56:35.0   1:56:55.1      0:20.1     18:46/M

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